The cold months are here! Finding ways to cut your utility bills doesn’t have to be hard. Making some simple choices can make a big impact on your bills – saving energy, saving resources, saving money! Here are 12 winter home energy saving tips for you from the experts at Cumming Home Heating & Cooling…

Winter Home Energy Saving Tips

Tip #1:  Turn Down Your Thermostat

One of the simplest of winter home energy saving tips is to adjust the temperature on your thermostat, turning down your thermostat by two degrees and wearing a sweater you can save an average of $200 per year on your energy bills. If you set you thermostat down during sleeping hours to 10° to 15° for eight hours, you can save around 10% of your heating bills.  A programmable thermostat can help you maximize your energy saving.

Tip #2:   Save Time And Money – Use Your Dishwasher

Dishwashers are more energy and water efficient when full – ensure your dishwasher is filled before turning it on. Researchers have also found the machines consistently do a better job— and use less water—than hand-washing. That is great news for the person who washes the dishes in your house!


Tip # 3:  You Can Still Enjoy Your Hot Shower

Insulating your hot water tank and setting the thermostat two degrees lower can save energy  and you will never noticed the different. If you set the thermostat a little lower to the warm setting of 120°F you will save over $150 a year because your water heating accounts for 18% of the energy consumed in a home. There will be a drastic effect on your bill – save energy, save money and avoid scalding your hands.

Tip #4:  Clean Heat

Cleaning your furnace filter every month can increase its efficiency by 50 percent. We strongly recommend you scheduling your yearly maintenance to keep you system running at peak efficiency. It’s never too late to call for an appointment. Keeping your furnace maintained will lower your heating bills and extend the life of your furnace.


Tip #6:  Time It Right

Install a timer on your water heater and furnace to turn it off at night and back on just before you wake up in the morning. Few people realize that waiting to do electricity-heavy activities (such as laundry or showering) before 7 am and after 10 pm can hugely reduce your energy requirements and costs.

Tip #7:  Be Caulk-y

Before you feel the full force of winter, weatherproof your home. Caulk any crack to get rid of those uncomfortable drafts and stop the heat – and money – from flowing out of your home. Add caulking or weatherstripping to seal air leaks around doors and windows. If you have older windows, using heavy-duty, clear plastic sheet on the frame during the cold winter months creates a tight seal to help reduce cold air from infiltrating your home.


Tip #8:    Be On The Look-Out For Electricity Vampires

Unplug home electronics when you’re not using them. Most of them have features that make them easier to use — instant-on TVs, for instance — that also suck up electricity, even when they’re not in use to the tune. This can amount to $75 in energy costs per year. Be sure to turn off your computer, too.

Tip # 9:  Dry Smart

One of the best winter home energy saving tips involves the way you do your laundry. Be smart and dry smart. Using the dryer at non-peak hours and cleaning the lint filter before every load will reduce your energy costs. A clogged dryer filter can increase energy usage up to 30% and can also present a safety hazard because a clogged dryer filter can be a fire threat. To help save time and energy, dry two or more loads of laundry in a row to take advantage of an already warm dryer. Remove clothes from the dryer when they’re still warm to prevent wrinkling.


Tip # 10:  Light Solutions

Replace your home’s incandescent light bulbs with CFL or LED bulbs. You’ll save energy with the lower wattage it takes to power the bulb but also save from reduced cooling costs — incandescent bulbs give off 90 percent of their energy as heat.

Tip #11:  Not So Hot Fireplace

Fireplaces can allow a lot of warm air to leave your home. Keep the fireplace damper closed unless a fire is burning. If you never use your fireplace, plug and seal the chimney flue to prevent heat loss.  If you do use your fireplace consider installing tempered glass doors and add a heat exchange system that blows warm air back into the room. Add caulking to seal a the fireplace hearth and reduce drafts.

Tip #12:  Celebrate The holidays With Lower Costs

Decorating the house for the holiday can be costly but if you choose light-emitting diode or LED holiday lights you will reduce the cost of decorating your home and still embrace the holiday spirit!


For expert help maintaining your home’s heating and cooling equipment – the ultimate in winter home energy saving tips, because if your equipment is not running efficiently you are throwing your money away in wasted energy – call the team of HVAC professionals at Cumming Home Heating & Cooling:  (905) 235-2904 … we’re here to help!